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Renowned Speakers

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Frank Yurasek

Director of Acupuncture Cook County Health & Hospital Systems USA USA

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Janethy Balakrishnan Bokstrom

Institute of Integrated Regenerative Medicine Malaysia

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Fanfan Zhou

University of Sydney Australia

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Khaled Abo-EL-Sooud

Cairo University Egypt

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Frank Andrasik

Distinguished Professor and Chair University of Memphis USA

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Ualikhanova A

RUDN University Russia

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Arturo Solis Herrera

Human Photosynthesis Research Center Mexico

Traditional Medicine Conferences, Best  Herbal  Medicine Conferences Europe, Best Chinese Traditional Medicines  Meetings Paris, Unani Medicine events France, Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Conferences Asia and Middle East, Traditional Medicine Conferences in Canada and Australia

Pierluigi Pompei

University of Camerino Italy

Traditional Medicine--2022

About Conference

Conference Series LLC Ltd welcomes you to join 9th Asian Herbal and Traditional Medicine summit (Traditional Medicine 2022) on December 07-08, 2022 the conference will be held in the city of Paris, France.

Traditional Medicine 2022  aims to gather global leading educational scientists, researchers and research students, to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all the aspects of Traditional and Alternative Medicine with the Theme “Unwinding Nature's Recipes for Health

We invite all the doctors, acupuncturists, herbalists, natural therapists, alternative and complementary medicine practitioners, Ayurveda practitioners, other researchers in the field of Herbal Medicine and Traditional MedicinePharmacognosySiddha Medicine, Holistic, people who believe in natural remedies to explore their research and share their knowledge, help with case studies and other practices of natural medicine.

Scope and Importance:

A traditional health care practice of indigenous people pertaining to human health is termed as Ethnomedicine. The knowledge of certain herbs, animals and minerals that have curative and palliative effects were transmitted from one generation to another and it is the outcome of bold experimentation through trial and error method over hundreds of years. Meet experts, strengthen and update your ideas on Traditional Medicine at this conference. Together we can fight against the deadly infectious diseases by creating awareness and Traditional Medicine 2022 is a perfect platform to work for.

Why to attend

This global event will provide an excellent opportunity for Doctors, Herbalists and alternative practitioners encouraging the pro-found administration of herbs as medicaments and explore case reports with the results to justify cure and healing by different herbals to various ailments showing evidence and proving that Traditional Medicine is the best option for treating chronic illness. Traditional Medicine 2022 expects many of delegates including worldwide keynote speaker and oral presentations by renowned speakers and YRF. Poster presentations by delegates and students all around the world which will create a platform for global progression of safe and effective natural remedies. It provides networking and opportunities for collaborations with worldwide and industries and companies

Special Issues:

The conference proceedings include Keynote speeches, Exhibition, Plenary talks, Workshops, Symposiums, Poster sessions, B2B networking and Panel discussions on the latest research developments in the field of Traditional, Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Who should attend?

  • Herbalists
  • Alternative Medicine Practitioners
  • Complementary Medicine Practitioners
  • Researchers in the Field of Herbal and Traditional Medicine
  • Alternative practitioners
  • Botanists
  • Research scholars
  • Industrialists
  • Students
  • Traditional Medicine practitioners
  • Naturopathy
  • Practitioners of Natural Medicine

Conference Highlights:

  • Herbal medicine
  • Traditional Medicine
  • Siddha medicine
  • Folk Medicine
  • Ayurveda
  • Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine
  • Crude Drugs and Plant Products
  • Pain Management & Rehabilitation
  • Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals

Scientific Sessions

Session 1: Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine. It is refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes.Natural Medicine manages the investigation of medication from plants and a part of Herbal consideration and Ayurveda. It covers every one of the fields of Herbal Medicine identified with Botany, Medicinal Plant Research, Phytochemistry Pharmacognosy, plant medications, Phytotherapy, Ayurveda and Natural science, Unani Medicine, Agriculture Science, Biotechnology and Biochemistry. Natural drug is increasing greater ubiquity because of utilization of herbs that makes more beneficial.

Session 2Traditional Medicine

Conventional prescription is the local wellbeing customs of the world which are reciprocal to customary and elective medication from which individuals around the globe use to fix their afflictions, ailments and maladies. This session further examines the perspectives on customary prescription and its viability, wellbeing and administrative issues in assent with national medicinal services issues, social mindfulness and its effect on individuals.

Session 3Siddha Medicine

The Siddha prescription is a treatment framework produced from Tamil culture. The siddha framework depends on mix of otherworldly prescriptions and old restorative practices just as mystery and speculative chemistry. As indicated by Siddha meds the five components are exit in nature water, fire, air, earth and ether. Siddha medication discoveries the qualities of plants, metals minerals and creature items, and properties of medications.

Session 4Folk Medicine

People drug started from the early man's ways to deal with common occasions. In a general public where conviction was viewed as incredible significance, the solution for fix infections was past creative mind. This prompted the development or revelation of society drug. Different practices incorporate human sciences, human science, drug and pharmacology. Society prescription is unique in relation to present day drug; the main distinction is the reason for the infection. The reason for the ailment is clarified by germ hypothesis in current medication, though as per people drug it is said that because of the nearness of heavenly hypothesis and enchantment sicknesses happens.

Session 5: Ayurveda

Ayurveda Medication, is a game plan of arrangement with chronicled builds up in the Indian subcontinent Ayurveda medications and practices have been facilitated all things considered wellbeing applications and too every so often in therapeutic use. Ayurvedic experts regard physical nearness, mental nearness, and way of life as a unit, with each part having the ability to affect the others. This is a sweeping philosophy used in the midst of assurance and treatment, and is a chief piece of Ayurveda. Tibetan drug and Traditional Chinese Medicine both have their sources in Ayurveda. Ayurveda specialists had created different Medicinal Preparations and surgeries from in any event the start of the Common Era.

Session 6: Traditional African Medicine

One of the strategies for mending which has been found without anyone else idea and exertion of wellbeing and illness is called conventional drug. The different sorts incorporate Herbal prescription, Hydrotherapy, Radiant mending treatment, Venesection and numerous more.Traditional African Medicine is an elective drug which is a blend of indigenous herbalism and African otherworldliness. Cap Practitioners can fix different issue for example malignant growths, mental issues, BP, cholera, CNS issue, for example, epilepsy and COPD,  asthma, skin inflammation, fever, tension, sorrow, benevolent prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract contaminations, gout, and mending of wounds and consumes, Ebola.

Session 7Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine

This arrangements with the characteristic medications got from life forms, for example, plants, microorganisms, and creatures. Numerous significant medications including morphine, atropinegalanthamine, and so forth have delivered from regular sources which are utilized in medication disclosure. Pharmacognosy is additionally a piece of Traditional prescription and home grown meds are as yet utilized by the vast majority of the nations on the planet. As needs be, pharmacognosy consistently holds its ubiquity in pharmaceutical sciences and assumes a basic job in medication disclosure.

Session 8Crude Drugs and Plant Products

Crude Drugs  being partaken in a 2:1 proportion for creature and mineral substances. The term characteristic substances found in nature that have not man made in the atomic structure. The rough medications principally utilized for Cultivation, handling and capacity, drugs cleaning and extraction techniques. Recognize the virtue and nature of unrefined medication.

Session 9: Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals

Nutraceutical is a pharmaceutical-grade and institutionalized supplement. Such advantages may consolidate the aversion or repeat of confusion. These items region from proteins, minerals, nutrients, unadulterated mixes and normally utilized in containers, tablets to nourishments that comprises of invigorated bioactive mixes. Everything from nutrients, enhancements to sports drinks, snacks, dairy items, and pre-arranged eating regimen dinners could be considered as Nutraceutical

Session 10Chinese Traditional Medicines

Traditional and Complementary Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine, is the best way to create a life you genuinely want to live, the life you were born to live. It’s an endless bridge that can take up and support change and growth in any and every life dimension: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Traditional and Complementary Medicine has the Potential in determining your true potential and help you develop and use your own special gifts and your special factors. It’s discerning wisdom and ability to follow and abode individual health needs to allow each person with a way to unite body, mind, and spirit-the foundation for lasting, authentic health. Traditional and Complementary Medicine demonstrate you how to live a life of balance, wellness, and harmony. It’s true that Traditional and Complementary Medicine is one of the ancient healing systems on the planet. It has actually been in sustain practice for thousands of years.  Traditional and Complementary Medicine can be effectively applied to help heal anyone and any health issue no matter what year it is because it’s rooted in an unchanging natural way invisible levels and interacts with the surface or visible physical levels. It’s a medicine of extraordinary relationships. Every Traditional and Complementary Medicine process of work, treatment process, and healing practice reflects and silently with the relationships that exist within the natural process.



Market Analysis

As per WHO estimation, around 80% of population from most of Asian and African countries depends on the traditional medicine for primary health care. The market analysis drives for global Traditional medicine is growing rapid aging population, increase of consumer awareness, less or no side effects, supplying innovations, release of Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) for dietary supplements by FDA. Other factors are escalating prices, health budgets calculations of modern medicinal system that has more consumers towards the cost-effective, economical and safe herbal medicine systems. Considering all these factors the market for Traditional medicine is expected to reach $ 115 billion by the end of 2023, this market is projected to reach a growth of CAGR of ~ 7.2 % during 2017-2023. 2014–2023 WHO Strategy for Traditional Medicine was developed in response to resolution of WH Assembly on traditional medicine. This strategy mainly aims to support Members States for developing pro-active policies and also implementing the action plans that strengthens the role of traditional medicines to maintain healthy population.


Past conference report

Traditional Medicine 2021

8th Asian Herbal and Traditional Medicine summit was hosted by the Conference Series LLC LTD. It was actually planned at Tokyo, Japan during April 19-19, 2021 with the theme Research Advances Enhancing Excellence in Traditional & Alternative Medicine but we ended it as a webinar due to the pandemic situation and it was organized successfully. The Webinar marked its start which included introduction by the Members of Forum: Frank Yurasek (USA), Nozomi Donoyama (Japan), Sumita Satarkar (India), Martine Negro (Swaziland), Pei-Jing Rong (China), Wen-Long Hu (Taiwan), Jae-Ha Ryu (South Korea), Mark A Feitelson (USA). Scientific sessions discussed during webinar are about Herbal Medicine, Traditional Medicine, Siddha Medicine, Folk Medicine and Chinese Traditional Medicine.


Herbal and Traditional Medicine   was hosted by the Conference Series LLC LTD. It was actually planned at Tokyo, Japan during April 20, 2020  with the theme “Patronizing Healing in a Traditional way” but we ended it as a webinar due to the pandemic situation and it was organized successfully. The Webinar marked its start by an opening ceremony which included introduction by the Honorable Guest and the Members of Keynote Forum: Ming-Kuem Lin (Taiwan), Dr. Ravid Doron(Israel), Janethy Balakrishnan(Malaysia), Akihito Iino(Japan), Dr. Ming-Jen Wang(Taiwan ), Tammy Brockman(USA),  Scientific sessions discussed during webinar are about Traditional medicineHerbal medicineFolk medicineSiddha medicine and  Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals.

Alternative Medicine-2019

 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Alternative & Traditional Medicine held during   November 25-26, 2019 in Valencia, Spain with the theme Analyze the modish of Alternative and Traditional medicine”. It is our Pleasure to show our appreciation towards our Chairs/Co-Chairs for the Sessions, namely Aref Abu-Rabia of Tel Aviv University (Israel), Vaidya Milind Subhash Kumavat   Maharashtra University (India), Saad Majdy Baslom, Univeristy of Bridgeport (Saudi Arbia) , Maria Elizabeth Herrera Lopez State University of Ecatepec Valley (UNEVE), Danfeng. Tian Beijing University of Chinese Medicine(P.R. China). Scientific sessions discussed by the eminent speakers are about Plants and Alternative Medicine in the Middle EastAlternative MedicineAyurveda treatment, Sport Medicine, and Chinese Medicine.

Herbal Traditional 2018

International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine was held during December 10-11, 2018 at Dubai, UAE based on the theme " Herbal and Traditional Medicines : Make Horizon For Nature cure". The conference was initiated with the Honorable presence of the Keynote forum. The list includes: Chantal van Merode Tal Tao TCM Training Institute (Netherlands), Mujtaba S Abubakar, Ahmadu Bello University( Nigeria), Namat Al Subaie  National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA),(Bahrain),Namrita Lall University of Pretoria, (South Africa), Peters C J M Europa Ayurveda College( Netherlands). Scientific sessions discussed during the conference are AccupunturepharmacognosyAlternative medicinePharmacology and Toxicology and Traditional Ayurveda.

Herbals Summit 2017

3rd Global Summit on  Herbals and Traditional Medicine scheduled during October 18-20, 2017 at Osaka, Japan with the theme “Unwinding Nature’s Recipes for Health”. We received active participation from various scientists, researchers, students and leaders from the field of Pharmacology who made this event successful. The conference was initiated with a series of lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The list includes: Janethy Balakrishnan(Malaysia), Parunkul Tungsukruthai (Thailand), Kusuma Sriyakul (Thailand), Younghee Yun (South korea), Tammy Brockman (USA). Scientific sessions discussed by the eminent speakers are Regenerative medicineTraditional medicineAyurvedaHerbal medicine and pharmacology.

 Traditional Medicine 2016

6th International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine scheduled during September 14-16, 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands with the theme “Promoting & Navigating the Future of Traditional Medicine” was a great success where eminent speakers from various reputed institutions and organizations with their presence addressed the gathering: Zhang Zhang-Jin, The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Rebecca Fung , University of East-West Medicine(USA), Ryutaro Arita ,Tohoku University Hospital, (Japan), Phyllis L MacIntyre, Dickinson University (Canada), Shin Takayama Tohoku University Hospital (Japan).Scientific sessions discussed during the conference by speakers are about Traditional Chinese Medicine AcupunctureTraditional Japanese MedicineTraditional & Alternative Medicine and  traditional Japanese Kampo medicine.





To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 07-08, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Day 1 Day 2

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Herbal Medicine: Open Access Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCT AND PLANT RESOURCES

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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