José Carlos Tavares Carvalho
Federal University of Amapá
José Carlos Tavares Carvalho completed his PhD in Drugs and Medicines (SP-Capital) from the University of São Paulo in 1998. He held a postdoctoral internship at IFP-Berlin-Germany. Former Rector of the Federal University of Amapá (2006-2014). Professor at the Federal University of Amapá. Member of the National Academy of Pharmacy. Member of the Pharmacy Advisory Committee of CNPq. Member of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. He was Vice-President of UNAMAZ (Association of Amazonian Universities). Member of the Technical Chamber of Phytotherapics of ANVISA - MS (CATEF). Member of the Technical Chamber of Threatened Species of the National Biodiversity Commission. Coordinator of the Support Committee for Phytotherapeutic Policies of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. Coordinator of the Amazonian Network of Drug Applied Nanotechnology - RANAF. Coordinator of the Amazonian Biopharmaceutical Research Network - RAPBioFar. Local Coordinator - North Northeast Plant Protection Network - CNPq. Coordinator of the Drug Research Laboratory of the Department of Biological and Health Sciences of the Federal University of Amapá. Visiting Professor at the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Natural Products of the Department of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Chemistry of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has published 210 articles in specialized journals and 136 papers in event annals. It has 5 published books and 3 book chapters. It has 2 registered technological products. He Participated in 52 events abroad and 155 in Brazil. He has supervised 38 master's dissertations, 13 doctoral theses and co-supervised 4, and has guided 35 undergraduate studies in the fields of pharmacology, pharmacy and medicine. Received 18 awards and / or honors. Currently participates in 5 research projects, and coordinates 4 of these. Member of the Brazilian Society of Pharmacognosy. Member of the Brazilian Society of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. Member of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science. Member of the Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Member of the American Society of Pharmacognosy. Member of Zebrafish Disease Models Society (ZDMS). Member of ISE International Society for Ethnopharmacology. Acts in the area of pharmacy, with emphasis on biological tests.
Research Interest
Nano-biotechnology, new medicines, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, phytoterapy,herbal medicines.